Isal a-Salik ila Usul Madhahb al-Imam Malik - Al-Walati

إيصال السالك إلى أصول مذهب الإمام مالك - محمد يحيى بن محمد المختار الولاتي

Isal as-Salik is a very simplified explanation of Shaykh Mohamed Yahya ibn Mohamed Mokhtar al-Walati (1330H) from a poem about the legal foundations (Oussul al-Fiqh) written by the father of his pupil, Sheikh Ahmad ibn Mohamed Ibn Abi Qaf, rahimahumu Allah.

A small treatise citing the various Usul in the madhhab Maliki, in a simplified way.

4.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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إيصال السالك إلى أصول مذهب الإمام مالك
محمد يحيى بن محمد المختار الولاتي
دار ابن حزم
مراد بوضاية
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)

Editions available

Isal a-Salik ila Usul Madhahb al-Imam Malik - Al-Walati

Edition Soft Cover

Isal a-Salik ila Usul Madhahb al-Imam Malik - Al-Walati

Edition Hard cover

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Editions available

Isal a-Salik ila Usul Madhahb al-Imam Malik - Al-Walati

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Isal a-Salik ila Usul Madhahb al-Imam Malik - Al-Walati

Edition Hard cover

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Isal a-Salik ila Usul Madhahb al-Imam Malik - Al-Walati
4.50 €