Ikhtisar al-Mabsutah fi Ikhtilaf As-hab Malik wa Aqwaluhu

اختصار المبسوطة في اختلاف اصحاب مالك واقواله - ابن رشد

Al-Mabsutah is a book by the Imam of Yahya ibn Ishaq al-Laythi (303H) in which he endeavored to gather all the different opinions within the great companions of Imam Malik in legal matters. Then came Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Dinar (363H) who wrote an abridgment of this work. Finally, Ibn Rushd summarized these two works by adding other divergent sayings from the Imams of the school.

It is this summary that is presented here to the reader in an important work of verification, in a very beautiful edition (a large volume of 1000 pages) with the Harakat in part and all the references at the bottom of the page.

34.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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اختصار المبسوطة في اختلاف اصحاب مالك واقواله
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Ikhtisar al-Mabsutah fi Ikhtilaf As-hab Malik wa Aqwaluhu
34.90 €