Muntakhab al-Ahkam of Imam Ibn Abi Zamaneen (399H) - Fiqh Maliki

منتخب الأحكام - ابن أبي زمنين

Muntakhab al-Ahkam, or Anthology of juridical Jugdments, by Imam Ibn Abi Zamanine al-Andalussi is one of the most important books having dealt with the science of Fiqh of legal sentences, deductions, and applications.

The book is divided into 10 parts dealing respectively with disputes, justice, pre-emption right, possession, marriage, divorce, sales, hidden defects, letting and renting, and other issues. The author extracted texts from the main books of Maliki Fiqh, so that judge finds what he is looking for without having to do extensive research or consulting.

Looking in the history of Nawazil Fiqh writings in the Malikite school, we find that Muntakhab al-Ahkam is one of the most important and the most consulted. Ibn Abi Zamaneen was in his time, the most important Faqih of Cordoba, known for his knowledge and great piety, and his pure belief.

20.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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منتخب الأحكام
ابن أبي زمنين
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)

Editions available

Muntakhab al-Ahkam of Imam Ibn Abi Zamaneen (399H) - Fiqh Maliki

Edition 1 volume

Muntakhab al-Ahkam of Imam Ibn Abi Zamaneen (399H) - Fiqh Maliki

Edition 2 volumes

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Editions available

Muntakhab al-Ahkam of Imam Ibn Abi Zamaneen (399H) - Fiqh Maliki

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Muntakhab al-Ahkam of Imam Ibn Abi Zamaneen (399H) - Fiqh Maliki

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Muntakhab al-Ahkam of Imam Ibn Abi Zamaneen (399H) - Fiqh Maliki
20.90 €