An-Nur al-Mubin ala al-Murshid al-Mu'in - Fiqh Maliki 100% harakat

النور المبين على المرشد المعين - محمد بن يوسف الكافي

Explanation 90% Harakat of the Matn of Ibn 'Achir in Fiqh Maliki, by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Kafi, former Mufti of the Maliki of Damascus (1380H).

This book is also a summary of a book known in the Madhhab, a reference in terms of explanation of the matn of ibn Ashir al-Muschid al-Mu'in, the Hachiya of ibn Hamdoun. Sheikh al-Kaafi summarized it in a simpler style at the request of the students who found the original too difficult.

Magnificent edition with all the harakats (except the last 30 pages).

16.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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النور المبين على المرشد المعين
الشيخ محمد بن يوسف الكافي
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An-Nur al-Mubin ala al-Murshid al-Mu'in - Fiqh Maliki 100% harakat
16.00 €