Al-Misk al-Adhfari fi Sharh wa Adilla Fiqh Matn al-Akhdari - Mukhtar Shanqiti

المسك الأذفري في شرح وأدلة فقه متن الأخضري - المختار الجزائري الشنقطي

Explanation of Matn al-Akhdari (essential text in the Fiqh Maliki), by the great contemporary scholar Al-Mukhtar al-Jazairi al-Shanqiti.

The Sharh is about worship, in 1 volume.

This is the second edition, augmented with important Fawaid and student tips.

19.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المسك الأذفري في شرح وأدلة فقه متن الأخضري
المختار بن العربي الجزائري الشنقطي
دار ابن حزم
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Al-Misk al-Adhfari fi Sharh wa Adilla Fiqh Matn al-Akhdari - Mukhtar Shanqiti
19.00 €