Al-Mayyarah as-Sughrah (Mukhtasar al-Durar al-Thamin) - al-Mayyarah

مختصر الدر الثمين والمورد المعين ـ المسماة ميارة الصغرى

Summary of the author himself of Durar ath-Thamin which is a commentary on the matn of Ibn 'Achir. This book is very studied in the Maliki madrassa in Maghreb.

It's one of the most important explanations of Matn of Ibn Ashir in Maliki Fiqh, by his student, Sheikh Mayara. The Charh is also called Mayyarah al-Sughra.

Beautiful edition, verified and annotated.

12.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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مختصر الدر الثمين والمورد المعين ـ المسماة ميارة الصغرى
العلامة محمد بن أحمد بن محمد ميارة المالكي
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Al-Mayyarah as-Sughrah (Mukhtasar al-Durar al-Thamin) - al-Mayyarah
12.50 €