Al-Mukhtasar al-Fiqhi of Ibn Arafah (803H) - Fiqh Maliki

المختصر الفقهي - ابن عرفة التونسي المالكي

This book is meant to be an encyclopedia of the Fiqh Maliki, Imam ibn 'Arafa deals with all the subjects of Fiqh, and then cites all the opinions in the school, the divergences, the arguments, the transmission chains etc.

This book is written in the form of a very concise and concentrated text, and rather difficult to understand, it is 16 volumes and is intended for advanced students, scholars and researchers.

Imam Ibn Arafah el Wargharmi is a Tunisian scholar of the Hegira 800, and is the author of several books including a famous tafsir and this Mukhtasar in the fiqh according to the school of Imam Malik.

Excellent edition in 16 volumes: check from 16 manuscripts, authentication of hadith, and annotations to cite sources and detailing certain points. Prefaced by two scholars specialized in Fiqh Maliki.

229.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المختصر الفقهي
الإمام ابن عرفة التونسي المالكي
دار ابن حزم
الشيخ أحمد منصور سبالك و الشيخ حمدي عبد المنعم شلبي
Checking and preparation
أبو القضل أحمد بن علي الدمياطي
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Al-Mukhtasar al-Fiqhi of Ibn Arafah (803H) - Fiqh Maliki
229.00 €