Al-Masail allati banaha al-Imam Malik 'ala 'Amal Ahl al-Madina

المسائل التي بناها الإمام مالك على عمل أهل المدينة توثيقاً ودراسة

Among the specific foundations of the school of Imam Malik ibn Anas, is taking into account the acts of the people of Medina as an argument for some legal issues.

This excellent research lists all the legal questions for which 'Amal Ahl al-Madina have contributed to building a specific opinion to Imam Malik, Imam Dar al-Hijrah.

For each question the author cites the scriptural evidence and the arguments of Imam Malik, and then he discusses the differences with the other schools.

55.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المسائل التي بناها الإمام مالك على عمل أهل المدينة - توثيقاً ودراسة
د. محمد المدني بوساق
دار ابن حزم
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Al-Masail allati banaha al-Imam Malik 'ala 'Amal Ahl al-Madina
55.00 €