Mukhtasar Khalil - New and improved edition (100% Harakat)

المختصر في الفتوى بمذهب مالك بن انس المعروف ب : مختصر خليل

This is the best edition of the Mukhtasar Khalil: This brand-new edition is the result of a very serious Tahqiq from several manuscript sources, one of which was written by Imam Khaiil al-Jundi himself. In addition, the layout is very pleasing, well-ventilated and structured, which is ideal for research, study or memorization. There are also notes in the margins on the themes addressed as well as footnotes concerning the differences between the versions and the explanation of certain passages or complex terms.

A magnificent work for this emblematic and essential work of Maliki Fiqh.

27.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المختصر في الفتوى بمذهب مالك بن انس المعروف ب : مختصر خليل
الشيخ ضياء الدين خليل بن إسحاق الجندي
دار ابن حزم
المرابط بن محفوظ الانصاري الشنقيطي
Checking and preparation
خالد بن عمار العلمي الجزائري
In Majority or Totality
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Mukhtasar Khalil - New and improved edition (100% Harakat)
27.90 €