Kitab al-Ajwibah - Imam Muhammad ibn Sahnun (256H)

كتاب الأجوبة لمحمد بن سحنون

This book "Al-Ajweebah" gathers the answers of 'Alim of Qayrawan (Kairouan), son of 'Alim of Qayrawan, Imam Sahnoun (author of the Mudawannah). He answers a variety of questions from his student Mohammad ibn Saleem, who asks him about Allah's Hukm, ie not only on the opinion of Ibn Sahnun, but on the opinion of Ulama of Islam who have preceded him as his father Sahnun, and above the Imams of the school and their master, Malik ibn Anas.

Beautiful edition verified from several manuscripts, with research summaries at the end of the book.

20.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الإمام محمد بن سحنون
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Kitab al-Ajwibah - Imam Muhammad ibn Sahnun (256H)
20.00 €