Al-Manhajiyah al-Fiqhiyah fi Muallafat al-Madhhab al-Maliki

المنهجية الفقهية في مؤلفات المذهب المالكي

Excellent book, fruit of a research conducted by several specialists of Fiqh Maliki, recalling the great works of Fiqh Maliki and their methodology, and this for each sub domain of the Fiqh.

Very interesting for who wants to have an overview of the Maliki bibliography, its major books and their respective methodology.

45.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المنهجية الفقهية في مؤلفات المذهب المالكي
دار ابن حزم
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Al-Manhajiyah al-Fiqhiyah fi Muallafat al-Madhhab al-Maliki
45.00 €