Masalik ar-Raghib li Sharh Dalil at-Talib - Sheikh Ibrahim al-'Awfi

مسلك الراغب لشرح دليل الطالب - إبراهيم بي بكر العوفي

Explanation of Shaykh Mar'i al-Karmi’s Dalil at-Talib, a great classic in Hanbali Fiqh. This explanation is straight to the point and is the first known Sharh for this famous Matn of Fiqh.

Excellent Kuwaiti edition in a large volume of 968 pages.

39.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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مسلك الراغب لشرح دليل الطالب
إبراهيم بي بكر العوفي
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Masalik ar-Raghib li Sharh Dalil at-Talib - Sheikh Ibrahim al-'Awfi
39.90 €