Al-Wajiz fi Dhikr Sifat Rabbana al-Qawwi al-'Aziz - Mahir Muqaddam

الوجيز في ذكر صفات ربنا ال قوي العزيز - ماهر عبدالحميد مقدم

This is a beautiful book about the Godly Attributes. The author first explains the main rules that govern the understanding of the Attributes of Allah azza wa jall according to Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah. 

In the second part he details the meaning and valid explanations of the Attributes reported in the scriptures. For this he uses the Arabic language and the words of the Ulema.

This excellent research is prefaced and recommended by Sheikh Abdullah al-Ghunayman. Superb Kuwaiti edition, with all sources at the bottom of the pages.

15.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الوجيز في ذكر صفات ربنا ال قوي العزيز
ماهر عبدالحميد مقدم
مكتبة الإمام الذهبي
الشيخ عبدالله الغنيمان
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Al-Wajiz fi Dhikr Sifat Rabbana al-Qawwi al-'Aziz - Mahir Muqaddam
15.00 €