‘Umdat ut-Talib li Nayl al-Maarib - Mansur ibn Yunus al-Buhuti (Hanbali)

عمدة الطالب لنيل المآرب - البهوتي

Umdah at-Talib of Imam Mansur ibn Yunus al-Buhuti (1051H), is one of the best Fiqh Matn in the Madhhab which was written by one of the greatest Sheikhs of the Hanbali Madhhab of the last generations, of those who closed the Madhhab.

Excellent edition, of high quality, with the Tahqiq of the Sheikh, the Professor Mutlaq al-Jassir. With 50% of the Harakats and an airy layout of the text.

24.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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‘Umdat ut-Talib li Nayl al-Maarib - Mansur ibn Yunus al-Buhuti (Hanbali)
24.90 €