Qasd as-Sabil fi Jam’ bayna az-Zad wa ad-Dalil - Fiqh Hanbali

قصد السبيل في الجمع بين الزاد والدليل - حامد بن الخضر بن جاد آل بكر

An excellent contemporary work in which its author has brought together two immense books of the Fiqh Hanbali, Zad al-Mustaqni' by Al-Hajawi and Dalil at-Talib by Mar'i al-Karmi, taking the best of each and keeping the style and subjects, in order to provide the student with an extremely beneficial digest.

His work was praised by Sheikh 'Abdullah ibn 'Aqil, the Sheikh of the Hanabila of his time, who wrote a preface to it.

Very nice Saudi edition, with the Harakats at about 70%.

29.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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قصد السبيل في الجمع بين الزاد والدليل من فقه الإمام المبجل أحمد بن حنبل
حامد بن الخضر بن جاد آل بكر
دار العاصمة
الشيخ عبد الله بن عبد العزيز بن عقيل
In Majority or Totality
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Qasd as-Sabil fi Jam’ bayna az-Zad wa ad-Dalil - Fiqh Hanbali
29.00 €