Differences between Zad al-Mustaqni 'and Muntaha al-Iradat

المسائل التي خالف فيها زاد المستقمع منتهى الإرادات - ابن عطية المزيني

The book Zad al-Mustaqni' of Imam al-Hajjawi and Muntaha al-Iradat of Imam al-Fatuhi are two references in the Mu'tamad of Madhhab Hanbali.

However there are some slight differences, and it is the object of this Risala of Sheikh Sulayman ibn 'Atayyah al-Mazini (1364H), author of a Mandhumah of Zad al-Mustaqni entitled "Rawadat ul-Murtad fi Nadhm Muhimmat az-Zad ".

Published for the first and only time from the author's manuscript.

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المسائل التي خالف فيها زاد المستقمع منتهى الإرادات
الشيخ سليمان بن عطية المزيني
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Differences between Zad al-Mustaqni 'and Muntaha al-Iradat
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