Collection of 7 Risalah of Aqidah of the Hanabilah

المجموع العقدي يتضمن سبع رسائل اعتقادية مهمة

1- Usul as-Sunnah of Imam Ahmad according to his pupil 'Abdus al-'Attar

2- Kitab al-I'tiqad of Muwafiq ad-Din ibn Qudamah

3- Nasihah lil-Ikhwan fi Ithbat as-Sifat wal-Fawqiyah wal-'Uluw, wal-Harf was-Sawt, of 'Imad ad-Din al-Wasiti, ibn ash-Sheikh al-Haramayn, contemporary of Ibn Taymiyah

4- Al-Hujjah wa al-Burhan (al-Rad 'ala al-Jahmiyyah) of' Abdullah AbaBtayn

5- Ar-Rad wa al-Hujjah 'ala man Ankara ash-Shirk, from 'Abderrahman ibn Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn 'Abdelwahhab

6- Nubhath ul-Mufid fi Bayan Da'wah Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad ... Abdellatif ibn Abderrahman, great grandson of Muhammad ibn Abdelwahhab

7- Tuhfat ul-Ikhwan fi Bayan al-Haqq was-Sawab, of Muhammad ibn Abdelaziz ibn Mani'

All of these Risalahs have a Muqaddima on the author and theme of the work, and all are authenticated from several manuscripts scrupulously.

20.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المجموع العقدي يتضمن سبع رسائل اعتقادية مهمة
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Collection of 7 Risalah of Aqidah of the Hanabilah
20.00 €