Dalil at-Talib li Nayl al-Matalib - Al-'Allamah Mar'i al-Karmi

دليل الطالب لنيل المطالب - العلامة مرعي الكرمي

This is a book of jurisprudence on the Hanbali school of thought.

It is an impressive content in which its compiler (author) based his interpretation on one opinion, which is the preponderant in Ahmad's methodology and the main basis of the fatwa. He - may Allah have mercy on him - took care of its arrangement and the clarification of its rulings.

Magnificient Saudi edition, with a clear and airy layout, 100% Harakat.

24.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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دليل الطالب لنيل المطالب
العلامة مرعي بن يوسف الكرمي
دار التوحيد للنشر
Checking and preparation
أحمد بن عبد العزيز الجماز
In Majority or Totality
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Dalil at-Talib li Nayl al-Matalib - Al-'Allamah Mar'i al-Karmi
24.00 €