Najah al-Khalaf fi I'tiqad as-Salaf - Ibn Qa'id an-Najdi (1097H)

نجاة الخلف في اعتقاد السلف - ابن قائد النجدي

Risalah, little known but interesting, of a scholar Hanbali of the 11th century Najd, Uthman ibn Ahmad an-Najdi al-Hanbali, known as ibn Qa'id an-Najdi.

This Sheikh wrote this treatise of Aqida, a century before the arrival of Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdelwahhab, defending the authentic Aqidah Athariya (Salafiya) as regards Allah and his attributes, and more specifically Al-'Uluw and al-Kalam, in addition to other elements of the Aqida.

Editing verified, authenticated and containing many additional annotations.

5.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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نجاة الخلف في اعتقاد السلف
ابن قائد النجدي
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Najah al-Khalaf fi I'tiqad as-Salaf - Ibn Qa'id an-Najdi (1097H)
5.00 €