Al-Usool wa al-Furoo' - al-Imam Ibn Hazm al-Andalusee

الأصول والفروع للإمام ابن حزم

Al-Usul wal-Furu' is a well-known work of Imam Ibn Hazm, in which he deals with the Aqida and the Faith, and where he refutes the opponents who are of another religion, whether they are philosophers or even Muslim sects.

Edition verified, authenticated and annotated.

17.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الأصول والفروع
الإمام أبو محمد علي بن محمد بن حزم
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Al-Usool wa al-Furoo' - al-Imam Ibn Hazm al-Andalusee
17.90 €