Bidayat al-Mubtadi fi al-Fiqh al-Hanafi - Abi Bakr al-Marghinani

بداية المبتدي في الفقه الحنفي - برهان الدين المرغيناني

Written by Imam Abi Bakr al-Marghinani (593H), Bidaayah al-Mubtadi is an excellent and well known Matn in the Hanafi Fiqh. Although it can be compared to the famous Mukhtasar of Al-Quduri, it has several differences:

Bidayah al-Mubtadi corrects some of the errors that exist in al-Quduri, he also adds several rules that have been omitted in Quduri, so the text is longer.

Also, Bidayat al-Mubtadi is better organized and clearer to understand, easier for the reader.

Finally, it has a well-known explanation called al-Hidayah, which is written by the author of the Matn himself.

Beautiful Egyptian edition, verified and authenticated by an Azhari Fiqh teacher, with 100% harakat on the text.

15.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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بداية المبتدي في الفقه الحنفي
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Bidayat al-Mubtadi fi al-Fiqh al-Hanafi - Abi Bakr al-Marghinani
15.50 €