Hiliyah al-Fuqaha - Ibn Faris (395H)

حلية الفقهاء - الإمام أبو الحسين أحمد بن فارس

This work of Imam Abu al-Hussain ibn Faris is a kind of dictionary of words used by Imam ash-Shafii. Indeed, the Imam ash-Shafii is one of the greatest Faqih who has ridden the earth, he is the author of the monumental al-Umm. The latter was summed up by his famous disciple, Imam al-Muzani, in what is called Mukhtasar al-Muzani.

And Ibn Faris took care to explain the technical and legal terms found in this Mukhtasar. This is very useful for everyone, because the terms are explained chapters by chapters, and it is very interesting to see linguistic and legal definitions written by an Imam of the first generations.

Beautiful edition, verified and annotated by Dr. Abdullah at-Turki.

11.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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حلية الفقهاء
الإمام أبو الحسين أحمد بن فارس الرازي
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Hiliyah al-Fuqaha - Ibn Faris (395H)
11.00 €