Fiqh as-Sunnah ‘ala Madhhab al-Maliki (2 volumes)

فقه السنة على المذهب المالكي - د. محمد القياتي

An excellent work that will please our Maliki brothers who wish to know the argumentative evidence associated with the legal rules taught in the books of the Maliki school.

In fact, beginners' manuals are often devoid of proof, but this work, written in a modern and structured composition, cites the proofs of the Quran and the Sunnah which are at the origin of the rules set forth in the school of Imam Malik ibn Anas.

 In two volumes, the book covers the five basic worships (Purification, Prayer, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj). Malikite references and Hadiths references are given at the bottom of the page.

32.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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فقه السنة على المذهب المالكي
د. محمد القياتي
دار الفضيلة القاهرة
الشيخ أحمد مصطفى الطهطاوي
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