Bulugh al-Qasid li Sharh Bidayat ul-'Abid - al-Ba'li (Fiqh Hanbali)

بلوغ القاصد جل المقاصد شرح بداية العابد وكفاية الزاهد - العلامة البعلي

Explanation by the Author himself of the book of Fiqh Hanbali "Bidayat ul-Abid", which is specially designed for the great beginners in the Hanbali fiqh which covers the main adoration, which is in line with the great reference of Muntaha al-Iradat.

Sheikh Abderrahman al-Ba'li is a well-known Hanbali scholar, notably author of the Charh of Akhsar al-Mukhtasarat entitled "Kashf al-Mukhdarat".

Nice edition of quality, authenticated from manuscript by Muhammad Nasir al-'Ajmi.

11.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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بلوغ القاصد جل المقاصد شرح بداية العابد وكفاية الزاهد
العلامة عبر الرحمن بن عبد الله البعلي الحنبليي
دار البشائر الإسلامية
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محمد بن ناصر العجمي
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