Jami' Mutun al-Fiqh al-Hanafiyyah (5 Matn in the Hanafi School)

جامع متون الفقه الحنفي

Excellent collection containing 5 important texts in the Hanafi Fiqh (1000 pages in total):

  1. Al-Bidayah al-Mubtadi
  2. Al-Mukhtar al-Fatwa
  3. Kanz ad-Daqa'iq
  4. Muntaqa al-Abhar
  5. Tanwir al-Absar wa Jami' al-Bahar fi al-Furu'

Assembled and prepared by a professor of Fiqh from the University of Assiut.

18.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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