Al-Khulasah al-Fiqhiyyah 'ala Madhhab ash-Shafi'iyyah (100% harakat)

الخلاصة الفقهية على مذهب السادة الشافعية - ابن النجار الدمياطي

Superb work in 2 volumes summarizing the whole Fiqh according to the teachings of the Shafii school.

100% harakat, 1 large volume, very organized, with evidences, Sheikh Yasir ibn Najjar al-Dimyati has made a considerable effort, and this in each of the 4 schools.

To realize his Khulasah in the Fiqh Shafi'i, he used the essential works of the school: Al-Minhaj of Imam Nawawi, Mughni al-Muhtaj and other explanation. His work has been prefaced by two contemporary Sheikh Shafii who congratulate him.

25.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الخلاصة الفقهية على مذهب السادة الشافعية
ابن النجار الدمياطي
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Al-Khulasah al-Fiqhiyyah 'ala Madhhab ash-Shafi'iyyah (100% harakat)
25.00 €