At-Tashih wat-Tarjih 'ala al-Quduri - Ibn Qutlubugha al-Hanafi (879H)

التصحيح والترجيح على القدوري - ابن قطلوبغا الحنفي

The Matn al-Quduri is one of the most important of the Hanafi School, and this explanation is part of the concise, known and reliable Sharh. Indeed its author, Zayn ad-Din al-Qutlubugha is an Imam in the Fiqh Hanafi.

In this explanation he clarifies the words of the author of Matn, details the legal issues and mentions the differences within the school, and especially he exposes the Mu'tamad, the Tarjih of the Hanafi Madhhab.

Very nice edition verified and authenticated, with annotations giving the source of certain affirmations and quotes, or the biography of the people mentioned. With all harakat / tachkil on the Matn.

22.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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التصحيح والترجيح على القدوري
الإمام زين الدين قاسم بن قطلوبغا الحنفي
الرسالة العالمية
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د. شوكت كراستيش الألباني
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At-Tashih wat-Tarjih 'ala al-Quduri - Ibn Qutlubugha al-Hanafi (879H)
22.00 €