Sharh al-Furooq wat-Taqaasim (as-Sa'di) - Khalid al-Mushayqih

شرح الفروق والتقاسيم البديعة النافعة - د. خليد المشيقح

A clear and precise explanation of the Risala of Sheikh Abderrahman as-Sa'di, Al-Furuq wa at-Taqasim al-Badi'ah an-Nafi'ah. The Furuq are a science of legal issues that resemble each other and Taqassim are all questions that fit into the same subject. It is therefore a risala that gathers between the Qawaid and the Ahkams (the Fiqh).

The Charh is that of Sheikh Khalid ibn Ali al-Mushayqih, a professor at the Shariah Faculty of Qassim University.

13.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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شرح الفروق والتقاسيم البديعة النافعة
أ. د. خليد بن علي المشيقح
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