Sharh Mukhtasar ar-Rawdah (al-Bulbul) - At-Toofee

شرح مختصر الروضة - الطوفي

Explanation of Mukhtasar ar-Rawdah (also called al-Bolbol) a famous book in Usool al-Fiqh.

This explanation made by the great scholar Sulayman ibn Abd al-Qawy at Tufi is known and excellent. Besides the great scholar Ibn Badran al-Hanbali has made praise and said it was the best work in his field (Usul al-fiqh), the most beneficial, especially because of its ease of access and reading.

Met in a very large volume of more than 1500 pages.

35.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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شرح مختصر الروضة
الإمام سلسمان بن عبد القوي الطوفي
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Editions available

Sharh Mukhtasar ar-Rawdah (al-Bulbul) - At-Toofee

Edition 1 volume

Sharh Mukhtasar ar-Rawdah (al-Bulbul) - At-Toofee

Edition 3 volumes

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Editions available

Sharh Mukhtasar ar-Rawdah (al-Bulbul) - At-Toofee

Edition 1 volume

Sharh Mukhtasar ar-Rawdah (al-Bulbul) - At-Toofee

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Sharh Mukhtasar ar-Rawdah (al-Bulbul) - At-Toofee
35.00 €