Jam' al-Jawami' fi 'Ilm Usul al-Fiqh - As-Subki

جمع الجوامع في علم أصول الفقه - السبكي

The well-known and widespread book of Imam as-Subki, Jam 'al-Jawami' does not stop only at the Usul al-Fiqh but it also unites Usul Ad-Din and Adab. It is said that he gathered in this book between the Minhaj of Mutakallimin and Fuqaqha, ie the Shafi'i and Hanafi respectively.

It is an extremely complete book of the Usool Fiqh and one of the great references in this field, all chapters are treated and for each chapter all matters are treated.

This very beautiful edition is a scientific research (Dirasah), which means that there is an important research in introduction around the author and his Manhaj for this book, and an important Tahqiq with a serious and beneficial annotations to the text.

19.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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جمع الجوامع في علم أصول الفقه
الإمام السبكي
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Jam' al-Jawami' fi 'Ilm Usul al-Fiqh - As-Subki
19.00 €