Ijma'at al-Usuliyin - Consensus of the Usul-Fiqh Scholars

إجماعات الأصوليين جمع ودراسة - مصطفى بو عقل

Excellent research on the topics and the rules on which specialists in Usul Fiqh agreed (ijma '). It is a rarely treated subject but very interesting and important.

The author groups together the Ijma' by categories of rules in the Usul, cites the rule in question, then quotes the scholars who have reported the consensus on the issue, then briefly explains the Usul rule.

Very good research and regroupment, very useful, with the sources of everything that is affirmed, by a professor of the Islamic sciences faculty of Algiers, Mustafa Bouakel.

20.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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إجماعات الأصوليين جمع ودراسة
مصطفى بو عقل
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Ijma'at al-Usuliyin - Consensus of the Usul-Fiqh Scholars
20.90 €