Lawami' al-Anwar al-Bahayyah (Sharh Durarah al-Madiyyah) - As-Safarini

لوامع الأنوار البهية وسواطع الأسرار الأثرية - العلامة السفاريني

The explanation of Imam as-Safarini to his poem detailing the Aqidah Athariyyah, ad-Durarah al-Madiyah fi 'Aqd al-Firqah al-Mardiyah.

The Imam As-Safarini is a great Hanbali scholar, he is particularly known for this great work in the Aqida.

This work was little published, but here is the latest authenticated edition, in 3 very large volumes (+800 pages on average per volume) and with all harakats on the text of Safarini.

This superb Saudi edition is the result of a thorough Tahqiq, as well as the complementary annotations of the Muhaqqiq, because as-Safarini is known to divide Ahl as-Sunnah into 3 groups, including the Asharis.

92.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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لوامع الأنوار البهية وسواطع الأسرار الأثرية
العلامة السفاريني
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Lawami' al-Anwar al-Bahayyah (Sharh Durarah al-Madiyyah) - As-Safarini
92.50 €