Ar-Risalah fi al-I'tiqad (Lum'at al-I'tiqad) - Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdissi

رسالة في الاعتقاد (لمعة الاعتقاد) - ابن قدامة

The famous treaty on Aqida by Imam Ibn Qudamah, the author of Al-Mughni. Also known as Lum'ah al-I'tiqad fi Sabil ar-Rashad, this Hanbali/Athari Aqida epistle is presented here in a superb Saudi edition, verified from several manuscripts, with introductory research on the author and his Aqida. Indeed Ibn Qudamah is considered by some to be doing Tafwid and others deny this. The Muhaqqiq develops the second thesis in his introduction by arguing with the help of other quotes from the author.

100% Harakat on the text of the Risalah.

20.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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