Al-Kamil fi Du'afa al-Rijal - Al-Hafidh ibn 'Adi (365H)

الكامل في ضعفاء الرجال - الحافظ ابن عدي

Al-Kaamil fi Dhu'afaa al-Rijaal is one of the oldest and most important collections of low narrators in the Hadeeth. This collection was praised by the great Muhaddith ad-Daraqutni who saw it as sufficient, or ibn Kathir who will say it was unprecedented.

This collection, presented in a superb edition in 9 volumes, checked and annotated, lists the narrators in alphabetical order by quoting from whom they report and the words of Imams about them.

Adh-Dhahabi, who says that this book was the basis for many other collections, because it is the most complete and the best in the field. Himself will use it as a basis for the writing of Mizan al-I'tidal.

Harakat on some difficult proper nouns and the terms defining the weakness of the narrators are underlined to facilitate the researcher.

149.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الكامل في ضعفاء الرجال
الحافظ أبو أحمد عبد الله بن عدي
الرسالة العالمية
Checking and preparation
محمد أنس مصطفى الخن
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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Al-Kamil fi Du'afa al-Rijal - Al-Hafidh ibn 'Adi (365H)
149.00 €