Tadrib ar-Rawi fi Sharh Taqrib an-Nawawi - As-Suyuti

تدريب الراوي في شرح تقريب النواوي - الإمام السيوطي

The great book of the Imam as-Souyouti in the science of the hadith, Tadrib ar-Rawi is the explanation of the at-Taqrib wa at-Taysir of the imam an-Nawawi.

His explanation is thorough and relevant, he uses accessible expressions and perfectly explains the different chapters and conditions of the science of the hadith.

This book is advised to the beginner, it is said that it can be done without Sheikh for the student who starts or that is intermediate because the explanations are complete while remaining simple enough.

16.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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تدريب الراوي في شرح تقريب النواوي
الإمام السيوطي
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Editions available

Tadrib ar-Rawi fi Sharh Taqrib an-Nawawi - As-Suyuti

Edition Egyptian

Tadrib ar-Rawi fi Sharh Taqrib an-Nawawi - As-Suyuti

Edition Saudi

Tadrib ar-Rawi fi Sharh Taqrib an-Nawawi - As-Suyuti

Edition Syrian (saudi quality)

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Editions available

Tadrib ar-Rawi fi Sharh Taqrib an-Nawawi - As-Suyuti

Edition Egyptian

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Edition Saudi

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Edition Syrian (saudi quality)

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Tadrib ar-Rawi fi Sharh Taqrib an-Nawawi - As-Suyuti
16.00 €