Sharh Mushkil al-Athar by Imam at-Tahawi (Tahqiq Arnaoot, 16 vol.)

شرح مشكل الاثار - الإمام الطحاوي

This book of the great Imam Abu Ja'far at-Tahawi is a collection of hadith related to legal judgments and divergent issues, classified by chapter of Fiqh. He has related the prophetic Hadiths, which are subject to divergences as to their authenticity or their application, and he also brings back the words of the companions and Ulema of the time.

The Imam at-Tahawi analyzes and explains the evidence and their contradictory arguments, discusses the weaknesses or defects of the transmission chains.

It is the most voluminous work that has come down to us from the 3rd century. It is a true encyclopaedia that has been and still is widely studied because of the great number of science it contains, such as the science of hadith and the criticism of the chain of narration, the apparent contradictions in the hadiths and the proofs, the legal judgments, the divergences of the Fuqaha etc.

Excellent edition in 16 volumes, verified, authenticated and annotated by the Muhaqqiq and Muhaddith Shu'ayb al-Arnaoot, with the 16th volume entirely devoted to the research summaries by theme, and harakat partly in the matn of the hadith.

299.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الإمام أبو جعفر الطحاوي
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Sharh Mushkil al-Athar by Imam at-Tahawi (Tahqiq Arnaoot, 16 vol.)
299.00 €