Ikhtiyarat al-Imam ash-Shawkani al-Fiqhiyah

اختيارات الإمام الشوكاني الفقهية - د. زهير بن عمر الخلاقي

Whoever wants to know the Fiqh of Imam Shawkaani have to take this book. It is indeed a work dedicated to the great Imam of Yemen, one of the Imams that marked the Ummah of their passage. Indeed Imam ash-Shawkaani was Zaydi in madhhab by education, he was a scholar without madhhab. Many today claim to don't follow any madhhab but this is rarely true, however, for the imam Shawkaani it was a reality, a duty he had imposed to himself.

Imam saw a lowering in the Taqlid, a form of Jahl, unlike the mandatory of following the evidence is the real science in his eyes. So Ash-Shawkaani left us a Fiqh is the result of a pure Ijtihad.

That's what this research shows us: the first half of the book is devoted to the imam ash-Shawkaani imam himself, his biography, his works, his positions, and foundations. Then the second part sets out its legal opinions and positions on issues of fiqh to divergence in the adoration.

Beautiful Saudi edition. This research is a Doctoral thesis that comes from Morocco (Fes).

23.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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اختيارات الإمام الشوكاني الفقهية
د. زهير بن عمر الخلاقي
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