Topics of Aqeedah in which diverged some Shafii Scholars

المسائل العقدية التي خالف فيها بعص فقهاء الشافعية

Here is a Magister thesis entitled: Issues of Aqidah in which diverged some Shafii jurists with the first Imams of the Imam Shafii Madhhab.

The writer of this research exposes each chapter errors or innovations that we find in some Shafii scholars. In Aqeedah is found mainly Taweel of Divine attributes, the Tabarruk and other issues close to Ash'ariyya way.
Whenever exposed: (1) the subject matter, its definition among the people of the Sunna and the Ash'ari; (2) the opinion of Ar-Ramli; (3) discussion and rebuttal of evidences of Mukhalifin; (4) comparing the words of the late scholars Madhhab and those of the first scholars of the Madhhab and finally (5) the position of Ahl as-Sunnah about the subject in question through the word of some imams.
Then comes the same work for each chapter of Fiqh which are developed related errors in belief and innovations.

This book is useful for everyone because most topics are errors in which many scholars have fallen, especially the Imams of the Ummah who were close to the Asharis as Ibn Hajar, an-Nawawi, al-Bayhaqi (all three Shafi'is) etc ... and therefore it is important to know that.

17.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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المسائل العقدية التي خالف فيها بعص فقهاء الشافعية أئمة المذهب
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