Simplified explanation of Matn Abi Shuja 'in Shafii Fiqh

أيسر الشروح التعليمية على متن غاية الاختصار - الشيخ صالح حسن الرياشي

Aysar ash-Shurooh at-Ta'limiyyah 'al-Matn Ghaayat al-Ikhtisaar (Matn Abi Shouja'), of Sheikh Salih Hasan ar-Rayaashi.

The Matn Abu Chouja 'is the most famous in the Matn Fiqh according to the Shafi'i school, and he has received dozens and dozens of explanations or annotations that have themselves received several annotations later.

This explanation is intended to be as simple as possible, it is concise (less than 200 pages) and intended for beginner students who want to familiarize themselves with this unavoidable text.

10.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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أيسر الشروح التعليمية على متن غاية الاختصار
الشيخ صالح حسن الرياشي
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Simplified explanation of Matn Abi Shuja 'in Shafii Fiqh
10.00 €