Jami' Mutun al-Fiqh al-Malikiyyah (7 Matn in the Maliki School)

جامع متون الفقه المالكية

Excellent collection containing 7 important texts in Maliki Fiqh:

  1. Ar-Risalah fi Fiqh al-Imam Malik
  2. Irshad as-Salih ila Ashraf al-Masalik
  3. Mukhtasar al-'Allamah Khalil
  4. Matn al-Akhdari fi al-'Ibadah
  5. Al-Murshid al-Mu'in 'ala ad-Daruri fi 'Ulum ad-Din (Matn Ibn' Ashir)
  6. Aqrab al-Masalik li Madhhab al-Imam Malik
  7. Matn al-Ashmawiya

Assembled and prepared by a professor of Fiqh from the University of Assiut.

16.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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