Qisar al-Amal - Ibn Abi Dunia

قصر الأمل - أبن أبي الدنيا

Book of examples in the Sunnah, the life of companions and pious, the need not to give too much hope, to hasten to good works, not to postpone things, not to build anything Here... So a book of encouragement to works before it is too late and not to revel in here.
Written by Imam Abi Dunia, an Imam specializing in the hadith and who has written numerous precious writings on borrowed themes from Tazkiyatu Nufus, Zuhd, Adab, Manaqib, Raqa'iq...

His style is well known, each of his books is a collection of Hadith and Athar.

Verified and authenticated edition, with search summaries.

13.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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قصر الأمل
الحافظ أبن أبي الدنيا
دار ابن حزم
Checking and preparation
محمد خير رمضان يوسف
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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