Fadl 'Ashr Dhil-Hijja - Ibn Abi Dunia (+ Salat Tasbih - ad-Daraqutni)

فضل عشر ذي الحجة لأبن أبي الدنيا // ذكر صلاة التسبيح للدارقطني

The first book of Ibn Abi Dunya remember the hadith and Athar on the merit and benefits of 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah.

The second book of the Imam ad-Daraqutni deals with the famous Salat at-Tasbih (recognized by some and denied by others). The Muhaddith reports the different hadiths and their different versions.

Beautiful edition verified and referenced, with research summaries.

5.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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فضل عشر ذي الحجة لأبن أبي الدنيا // ذكر صلاة التسبيح للدارقطني
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Fadl 'Ashr Dhil-Hijja - Ibn Abi Dunia (+ Salat Tasbih - ad-Daraqutni)
5.50 €