The Salafs and the Quran - Hal as-Salaf ma’a al-Qu’ran

حال السلف مع القرآن - أ. بدر بن ناصر البدر

Very beautiful compilation around the Quran and its place in the hearts and deeds of our pious predecessors.

The author begins by recalling the merits of the Quran and certain rules or behaviours to be had towards it. Then, starting with the Sahabas up to the Tabi' Tabi' in, the author exhorts us by the example of the noble Salafs, citing their consideration and the place of the Qur'an in their lives.
The book is written for a wide audience, it is not a collection of Athar's writings but rather stories and reminders for meditation.

A beautiful reading in perspective, but also a good idea as a gift-reminder for your loved ones.

Very nice Saudi edition.

18.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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حال السلف مع القرآن
بدر بن ناصر البدر
دار الحضارة
None or a little bit (or only on the Matn)
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The Salafs and the Quran - Hal as-Salaf ma’a al-Qu’ran
18.00 €