Silsilah al-Quran: Fadaail al-Quran

فضائل القرآن وتلاوته - د. أحمد حسين عبد الكريم

The benefits of the Holy Quran and the benefits of its recitation, according to the evidence of the Qur'an and the authentic Sunna.

Very good book on the subject, from a series written by the author around the Quran, so that everyone can know the basics regarding the Quran and its rules, its benefits, its rights, its memorization.

With proof of the Quran and Sunna and the word of specialists, with the harakats in part, in a simplified style while giving a maximum of details and information.

6.50 € (شامل للضريبة)
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فضائل القرآن وتلاوته
د. أحمد حسين عبد الكريم
دار الغوثاني
د. نور الدين عتر والشيخ أسامة عبد الكريم الرفاعي
In Part
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