Mandhumah 'Aqilat Atrab al-Qasaid (fi ilm Rasm al-Masahif) - al-Shatibi

منظومة عقيلة أتراب القصائد في أسنى المقاصد في علم رسم المصاحف - الإمام الشاطبي

Famous poem of Imam al-Shatibi in the science of Rasm al-Masahif, a branch of the sciences of the Qur'an
explaining and recalling how the Quran was written and compiled, differences on it etc ... This poem is one of the basic texts in this science.

Presented here in an excellent edition verified, authenticated, and annotated by Sheikh Ayman Suwayd, professor of Tajweed and Qiraat acknowledged.

100% harakat.

You'll also find the the Sanad and explanations of some parts and words found in the poem, in alphabetical order.

There are harakat mostly elhamdoulillah.

3.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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منظومة عقيلة أتراب القصائد في أسنى المقاصد في علم رسم المصاحف
الإمام الشاطبي
دار الغوثاني
د. أيمن رشدي سويد
Checking and preparation
د. أيمن رشدي سويد
د. أيمن رشدي سويد
In Majority or Totality

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Mandhumah 'Aqilat Atrab al-Qasaid (fi ilm Rasm al-Masahif) - al-Shatibi
3.00 €