Tawil Mushkil al-Quran - al-Imam ibn Qutaybah

تأويل مشكل القرآن - الإمام ابن قتيبة

The book deals with things that may seem like a problem for the average person but of course found their way from specialists. The author is a scholar known among Salaf, Ibn Qutaybah, author of a book with a similar title but on different interpretations of the hadith.

In this book therefore deals with the Quran in different ways: first by more general chapters as the contradictory elements or alleged grammatical errors present in the Qur'an, and it responds to the allegations. Then chapters on Balagha in the Qur'an, its kinds. Then according to suras from the Quran various verses that are confusing or divergent exposing the opinions and raising ambiguities to the reader.

Beautiful edition authenticated, verified and annotated with research summaries.

16.90 € (شامل للضريبة)
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تأويل مشكل القرآن
الإمام ابن قتيبة
مؤسسة الرسالة
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Tawil Mushkil al-Quran - al-Imam ibn Qutaybah
16.90 €