Masa-il al MasH ala al-Khuffayn (recherche et analyse)

مسائل المسح على الخقين - أ.د. إبراهيم الصبيحي

Very good thorough research on a very important subject of Tahara but where differences are real but often poorly understood.

The author develops each point and condition for the validity of wiping over the leather slippers, and especially
on socks because it is this point that is subject of divergence.

While detail with the evidence and words of different schools and great imams among the predecessors as well as from the words of some contemporary scholars.

14.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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FIQ 00025


مسائل المسح على الخقين
أ.د. إبراهيم بن محمد الصبيحي
دار الأثرية
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