Al-Qawl al-Mubin fi Akhtae al-Musallin - Mashhur Salman

القول المبين في أخطاء المصلين - مشهور سلمان

The clear speech on the mistakes made by the priors, of Sheikh Mashhur Salman, one of the students of Sheikh al-Albani specializing in the science of the hadith and the Tahqiqat of books. In this book so it is a collection of various errors in which some Muslims fall in their prayers.

The research is very broad and does not just gestures of a traditional prayer but also of all forms and kinds of prayer. He proves his statements by authentic Hadiths, the words of Sahabas and the arguments of the Fuqaha and the scholars.

15.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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القول المبين في أخطاء المصلين
مشهور سلمان
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Al-Qawl al-Mubin fi Akhtae al-Musallin - Mashhur Salman
15.00 €