Al-Adhkar wa al-Adab - Mustawa Tamhidi (Mutun Talib al-Ilm)

الأذكار والآداب - المستوى التمهيدي

From the same series made by Sheikh Abdelmuhsin Al-Qasim, the Mutun Talib al-Ilm, here is the beginner level which contains the daily Dhikr that the Muslim must know, as well as the basic Hadiths on the behavior of the Muslim. Indeed the invocations (return to Allah and praise Him) and good behavior are really the minimum to be a true student of knowledge.

Pocket size edition (8x12cm), black and red printing on beige paper, 100% Harakat.

2.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الأذكار والآداب - المستوى التمهيدي
عبد المحسن بن محمد القاسم
دار العالمية
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Al-Adhkar wa al-Adab - Mustawa Tamhidi (Mutun Talib al-Ilm)
2.00 €