Sharh Mandhumah al-Bayquniyah fi Mustalah al-Hadith - Imam Az-Zarqani

شرح منظومة البيقونية - العلامة الزرقاني

Explanation of the famous Mandhumah al-Bayquniyyah, a poem for beginners in the science of the Mustalah al-Hadith. The commentary is the work of the famous Egyptian Maliki scholar, Sheikh Muhammad az-Zarqani, author of a well-known Sharh of Imam Malik's Muwatta.

7.00 € (شامل للضريبة)
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الشامل في قواعد الكتابة والإملاء
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Sharh Mandhumah al-Bayquniyah fi Mustalah al-Hadith - Imam Az-Zarqani
7.00 €